Webster's English Dictionary

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1. de.sire \di-'zi(*)r\ vb [ME desiren, fr. OF desirer, fr. L desiderare, 
   fr. de-]+ sider-, sidus star 1: to long or hope for  2a: to express a wish 
   for : REQUEST  2b: to express a wish to : ASK  obs  3: INVITE  archaic  4: 
   to feel the loss of  : to have or feel desire ISH, and WANT are often 
   interchangeable though DESIRE or WISH is often chosen as giving more 
   dignity or a more respectful tone to a request. In more general use DESIRE 
   emphasizes strength of feeling and often implies strong intention; WISH is 
   less strong and often connotes a vague or passing longing for the 
   unattainable; WANT implies a felt need or lack; CRAVE suggests strongly the 
   force of physical appetite or emotional need; COVET implies a strong eager 
   desire often inordinate and envious and often for what belongs to another 
2. desire n 1: conscious impulse toward an object or experience that 
   promises enjoyment  or satisfaction in its attainment 2a: LONGING, CRAVING  
   2b: sexual attraction or appetite  3: a usu. formal request or petition for 
   some action  4: something desired