Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. average               
1. mean \'me-n\ aj [ME mene, fr. imene, fr. OE gem-ne; akin to OHG 
   (Xgimeini common, L communis common, munus service, gift 1: lacking 
   distinction or eminence : HUMBLE  2: lacking power or acumen : ORDINARY  3: 
   characterized by petty selfishness or malice  6b: HARASSING, VEXATIOUS  
   repellent characteristics (as small-mindedness, ill temper, or cupidity); 
   IGNOBLE suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or 
   spirit; ABJECT may imply degradation, debasement, or servility; SORDID is 
   stronger than all of these in stressing physical or spiritual degradation 
   and abjectness SYN syn IGNOBLE, ABJECT, SORDID: MEAN suggests havin 
2. mean \'me-n\ \'ment\ \'me--nin\ vb or meant;  or mean.ing [ME menen fr. 
   OE m-nan; akin to OHG meinen to hav]e in mind, OSlav me-niti to 
   mention 1: to have in the mind as a purpose : INTEND  2: to serve to 
   convey, show, or indicate : SIGNIFY  3: to direct to a particular 
   individual  1: to have an intended purpose {he ~s well}  2: to be of a 
   specified degree of importance {health ~s ever ything} : to be in earnest  
   - mean business 
3. mean \'me-n\ n 1a1: something intervening or intermediate  1a2: a middle 
   point between extremes  1b1: a value that lies within a range of values, 
   that is computed from the  range according to a prescribed law, and that 
   represents the range; specif : ARITHMETIC MEAN 1b2: the arithmetic mean of 
   the two extremes of a range of values  1b3: either of the middle two terms 
   of a proportion  pl but sing or pl in constr  2: something useful or 
   helpful to a desired end  pl  3: resources available for disposal; esp : 
   material resources affor ding a secure lifeY, MEDIUM mean something or 
   someone necessary or useful in effecting an end. MEAN or usu. MEANS is very 
   general and may be abstract in applying to a person or thing of any sort; 
   INSTRUMENT suggests a degree of applicability or adaptability for achieving 
   a definite purpose; applied to a person it often suggests one acting at 
   another's will without full moral responsibility; AGENT applies to a person 
   acting to achieve an end conceived by another or to a thing producing an 
   immediate effect or definite result; MEDIUM implies a usu. intangible means 
   of conveying, transmitting, or communicating SYN syn MEAN (or MEANS), 
4. mean \'me-n\ aj [ME mene, fr. MF meien, fr. L medianus - more at 
   MEDIAN)M 1: occupying a middle position : intermediate in space, order, 
   time, kin d, or degree 2: occupying a position about midway between 
   extremes : as  2a: being near the average  2b: of a moderate degree of 
   excellence : MIDDLING  2c: being the mean of a set of values : AVERAGE {~ 
   tempera ture} 3: serving as a means : INTERMEDIARY