Webster's English Dictionary

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rec.og.nize \'rek-ig-.ni-z, -*g-\ vt [modif. of MF reconoiss-, stem of 
   reconoistre, fr. L recognoscer]e, fr. re- + cognoscere to know - more at 
   COGNITION 1a: to perceive to be something previously known {recognized the 
   w ord} 1b: to perceive clearly : REALIZE  2a: to acknowledge with a show of 
   appreciation {recognizing servic es} 2b: to acknowledge acquaintance with 
   {~ an old crony}  2c: to admit the fact of  3: to acknowledge formally : as 
    3a: to admit as being lord or sovereign  3b: to admit as being of a 
   particular status  3c: to admit as being one entitled to be heard  3d: to 
   acknowledge the de facto existence or the independence of