Webster's English Dictionary

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1. show \'sho-\ \'sho-d\ \'sho-n\ vb or showed;  or shown;  or showed or 
   show.ing [ME shewen, showen, fr. OE sce-awian to look, look at, see]; akin 
   to OHG scouwo-n to look, look at, L cave-re to be on one's guard 1: to 
   cause or permit to be seen : EXHIBIT  2: to set out for sale : OFFER  3: to 
   present as a public spectacle : PERFORM  4: to display for the notice of 
   others  5: to reveal by one's condition, nature, or behavior  6: to give 
   indication of by record  7a: to point out to someone  7b: CONDUCT, USHER  
   8: ACCORD, BESTOW  9a: to set forth : DECLARE  9b: ALLEGE, PLEAD - used 
   esp. in law  10a: DEMONSTRATE, PROVE  10b: INFORM, INSTRUCT  1: to be or 
   come in view : be present or noticeable  2a: to appear in a particular way 
   : have a particular quality  2b: SEEM, APPEAR  3: to give a theatrical 
   performance  4: to finish third or at least third in a horse race RATE mean 
   to reveal something not plain. SHOW is the general term but may imply 
   inference from acts, books, or words; MANIFEST implies a plainer, more 
   immediate revelation; EVIDENCE suggests serving as proof of the actuality 
   or existence of something; EVINCE implies a showing by outward marks or 
   tokens; DEMONSTRATE implies showing by action or by display of feeling, 
   FLAUNT mean to present so as to invite notice or attention. SHOW implies 
   enabling another to see or examine; EXHIBIT applies to putting forward 
   prominently or openly; DISPLAY stresses putting in position where one may 
   see to advantage; EXPOSE suggests bringing from concealment and displaying; 
   PARADE implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying; FLAUNT suggests a 
   shameless, boastful, often offensive parading SYN syn SHOW, MANIFEST, 
2. show n often attrib  1: a demonstrative display  archaic  2a: outward 
   appearance  2b: a false semblance : PRETENSE  2c: a more or less true 
   appearance of something : SIGN  2d: an impressive display  2e: OSTENTATION  
   3: CHANCE  4: something exhibited esp. for wonder or ridicule : SPECTACLE  
   5: a large display or exhibition arranged to arouse interest or stimulate s 
   ales 6a: a theatrical presentation  6b: a radio or television program  6c: 
   ENTERTAINMENT  7: ENTERPRISE, AFFAIR  8: an indication of metal in a mine 
   or of gas or oil in a well  9: third place at the finish of a horse race