Webster's English Dictionary

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1. know \'no-\ \'n(y)u:\ \'no-n\ \'no--*-b*l\ \'no-(-*)r\ vb or knew;  or 
   known or know.ing [ME knowen, fr. OE cna-wen; akin to OHG bichna-an to 
   re]cognize, L gnoscere, noscere to come to know, Gk gigno-skein 1a1: to 
   perceive directly : have direct cognition of  1a2: to have understanding of 
   {importance of ~ing oneself}  1a3: to recognize the nature of : DISCERN  
   1b1: to recognize as being the same as something previously known  1b2: to 
   be acquainted or familiar with  1b3: to have experience of  2a: to be aware 
   of the truth or factuality of : be convinced or certain  of 2b: to have a 
   practical understanding of {~s how to write}  archaic  3: to have sexual 
   intercourse with  1: to have knowledge  3: to be or become cognizant  - 
   know.able aj
2. know n : KNOWLEDGE  : in possession of confidential or otherwise 
   exclusive knowledge or inform ation - in the know