Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. circumstantial         2. nice                   3. single                
  4. special                5. item                  
1. par.tic.u.lar \p*(r)-'tik-y*-l*r\ aj [ME particuler, fr. MF, fr. LL 
   particularis, fr. L particula]small part 1: of or relating to a single 
   person or thing  obs  2: PARTIAL  3: of or relating to details : MINUTE  4: 
   distinctive among others : SPECIAL  5a: being a particular in logic  5b: 
   affirming or denying a predicate to a part of the subject - used of  a 
   proposition in logic {"some men are wise" is a ~ affirmative} 6a: attentive 
   to details : EXACT  6b: nice in taste : FASTIDIOUS  6c: hard to please : 
2. particular n archaic  1: a separate part of a whole  2a: an individual 
   fact or detail  2b: a specific item or detail of information or news {bill 
   of ~s } 3a: an individual or a specific subclass in logic falling under 
   some genera l concept or term 3b: a particular proposition in logic