Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. carnal                 2. sensuous              
sen.su.al \'sench-(*-)w*l\ \.sen-ch*-'wal-*t-e-\ \'sench-(*-)w*-le-\ aj 
   [ME, fr. LL sensualis, fr. L sensus sense + -alis -al] 1: SENSORY  2: 
   relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the ind 
   ulgence of appetite : FLESHLY 3a: devoted to or preoccupied with the senses 
   or appetites  3b: VOLUPTUOUS  3c: deficient in moral, spiritual, or 
   intellectual interests : WORLDL Y; esp : IRRELIGIOUS - sen.su.al.i.ty n