Webster's English Dictionary

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1. spir.i.tu.al \'spir-ich-(*-)w*l, -ich-*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF & LL; MF 
   spirituel, fr. LL spiritualis, fr. L, of breat]hing, of wind, fr. spiritus 
   1: of, relating to, or consisting of spirit : INCORPOREAL  2a: of or 
   relating to sacred matters {~ songs}  2b: ecclesiastical rather than lay or 
   temporal {lords ~}  3: spiritually akin or related {~ home ~ heir}  4a: of 
   ore relating to ghosts or similar supernatural beings  4b: SPIRITUALISTIC  
   - spir.i.tu.al.ly av
2. spiritual n pl  1: things of a spiritual, ecclesiastical, or religious 
   nature  2: a Negro religious song esp. of the southern U.S. usu. of a 
   deeply emotio nal character