Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mor.al \'mo.r-*l, 'ma:r-\ \-*-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L moralis, fr. 
   mor-, mos custom - more at]MOOD 1a: of or relating to principles of right 
   and wrong in behavior : ETH ICAL {~ philosophy} 1b: expressing or teaching 
   a conception of right behavior {a ~ poe m} 1c: conforming to a standard of 
   right behavior  1d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or 
   ethical judgment { a ~ obligation} 1e: capable of right and wrong action {a 
   ~ agent}  2: probable though not proved : VIRTUAL {a ~ certainty}  3: of, 
   relating to, or acting on the mind, character, or will {a ~  victory}L may 
   be opposed to immoral in implying conformity to a standard of what is good 
   and right, or it may contrast with intellectural or aesthetic as being 
   concerned with character or conduct rather than achievement, beauty, 
   success, logical perfection; ETHICAL may suggest the involvement of more 
   difficult or subtle questions of rightness, fairness, or equity; VIRTUOUS 
   implies the possession or manifestation of moral excellence in character; 
   RIGHTEOUS stresses guiltlessness or blamelessness and often suggests the 
   sanctimonious; NOBLE implies moral eminence and freedom from anything 
   petty, mean, or dubious in conduct and character - mor.al.ly av SYN syn 
2. moral \'mo.r-*l, 'ma:r-; 3 is m*-'ral\ n 1a: the moral significance or 
   practical lesson (as of a story)  1b: a passage pointing out usu. in 
   conclusion the lesson to be drawn from a  story pl  2a: moral practices or 
   teachings  2b: ETHICS  3: MORALE