Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. meaning               
1. sense \'sen(t)s\ n [MF or L; MF sens sensation, feeling, mechanism of 
   perception, meaning, f]r. L sensus, fr. sensus, pp. of sentire to perceive, 
   feel; akin to OHG sin mind, sense, OE sith journey - more at SEND 1: a 
   meaning conveyed or intended : IMPORT, SIGNIFICATION; Xspecif : one of a 
   set of meanings a word or phrase may bear esp. as segregated in a 
   dictionary entry 2a: the faculty of perceiving by means of sense organs  
   2b: a specialized animal function or mechanism (as sight, hearing, smell, t 
   aste, or touch) basically involving a stimulus and a sense organ 2c: the 
   sensory mechanisms constituting a unit distinct from other function s (as 
   movement or thought) 3: CONSCIOUSNESS, SANITY - usu. used in pl.  4a: a 
   particular sensation or kind or quality of sensation {~ of ba lance} 4b: a 
   definite but often vague awareness or impression {~ of insecu rity ~ of 
   danger} 4c: a motivating awareness {~ of shame}  4d: a discerning awareness 
   and appreciation {~ of humor ~ of  value} 5: CONSENSUS {the ~ of the 
   meeting}  6a: SENTIENCE, INTELLIGENCE  6b: sound mental capacity and 
   understanding; also : agreement with  or satisfaction of such power {this 
   decision makes ~} 7: one of two opposite directions describable by the 
   motion of a point, lin e, or surfaceWISDOM mean ability to reach 
   intelligent conclusions. SENSE implies a reliable ability to judge and 
   decide with soundness, prudence, and intelligence; COMMON SENSE suggests an 
   average degree of such ability without sophistication or special knowledge; 
   GUMPTION suggests a readiness to use or apply common sense; JUDGMENT 
   implies sense tempered and refined by experience, training, and maturity; 
   WISDOM implies sense and judgment far above average SYN syn SENSE, COMMON 
2. sense vt 1a: to perceive by the senses  1b: to be or become conscious of 
   {~ danger}  2: GRASP, COMPREHEND  3: to detect (as a symbol or radiation) 