Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. decline               
1. spurn \'sp*rn\ vb [ME spurnen, fr. OE spurnan; akin to OHG spurnan to 
   kick, L (Xspernere to spurn, Gk spairein to quiver obs  1a: STUMBLE  1b: 
   KICK  2: to reject something disdainfully - usu. used with at {~  at 
   danger} 1: to tread sharply or heavily upon : TRAMPLE  2: to reject with 
   disdain or contempt : SCORN  - spurn.er n
2. spurn n 1a: KICK  obs  1b: STUMBLE  2a: disdainful rejection  2b: 
   contemptuous treatment