Webster's English Dictionary

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stum.ble \'st*m-b*l\ \-b(*-)lin\ \-b(*-)l*r\ \-blin-le-\ vb or stum.bling 
   [ME stumblen, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Norw dial. stumle to s]tumble; 
   akin to OE stamerian to stammer 1a: to fall into sin or waywardness  1b: to 
   make an error : BLUNDER  1c: to come to a block to belief  2: to trip in 
   walking or running  3a: to walk unsteadily or clumsily  3b: to speak or act 
   in a hesitant or faltering manner  4a: to come unexpectedly : MEET {~ onto 
   the truth}  4b: to fall or move carelessly  1: to cause to stumble : TRIP  
   2: CONFOUND, PERPLEX  - stumble n