Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. object                
1. kick \'kik\ vb [ME kiken] 1a: to strike out with the foot or feet  1b: 
   to make a kick in football  2: to show opposition, resentment, or 
   discontent  of a firearm  3: to recoil when fired  4: to go from one place 
   to another as circumstance or whim dictates  1a: to strike, thrust, or hit 
   with the foot  1b: to strike suddenly and forcefully as if with the foot  
   2: to score by kicking a ball  slang  3: to free oneself of (a drug habit)  
   : to cast off restraint, authority, or control  slang  : DIE  1: to show 
   sudden delight  2: to have a lively time  : to promote to a higher but less 
   desirable position  - kick.er n
2. kick n 1a: a blow or sudden forceful thrust with the foot; specif : a 
   sudd en propelling of a ball with the foot 1b: the power to kick  1c: a 
   rhythmic motion of the legs used in swimming  1d: a burst of speed in 
   racing  2: a sudden forceful jolt or thrust suggesting a kick; specif : the 
    recoil of a gun 3a: a feeling or expression of opposition or objection  
   3b: the grounds for objection  4a: a strongly stimulating effect  4b: a 
   feeling of pleasure : THRILL  pl, slang  4c: FUN  slang  4d: SPREE  5: a 
   sudden and striking surprise, revelation, or turn of events