Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. despise               
1. scorn \'sko.(*)rn\ n [ME, fr. OF escarn, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG 
   scern jest; akin to]Gk skairein to gambol - more at CARDINAL 1: an emotion 
   involving both anger and disgust : vigorous contempt : MDISDAIN 2: an 
   expression of extreme contempt : TAUNT  3: an object of extreme disdain, 
   contempt, or derision 
2. scorn vt 1: to reject with vigorous or angry contempt : CONTEMN {~(Xed 
   all warnings of disaster} 2: to refuse because of scorn : DISDAIN {~ed to 
   repl y to the charge} : to show disdain or derision : SCOFF  - scorn.er n