Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. eternal               
1. tem.po.ral \'tem-p(*-)r*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. L temporalis, fr. tempor-, 
   tempus time; akin to Lith] tempti to stretch, and prob. to L tendere to 
   stretch - more at THIN 1a: of or relating to time  1b: of or relating to 
   earthly life  1c: of or relating to lay or secular concerns  2: of or 
   relating to grammatical tense or a distinction of time  - tem.po.ral.ly av
2. temporal aj [MF, fr. LL temporalis, fr. L tempora temples] : of or 
   relating to the temples or the sides of the skull behind the orbi ts