Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stretch \'strech\ \.strech-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \'strech-*-b*l\ vb [ME 
   strecchen, fr. OE streccan; akin to OHG strecchan to stre]tch, OE starian 
   to stare 1: to extend (as one's limbs or body) in a reclining position  2: 
   to reach out : EXTEND {~ed forth his arm}  3: to extend in length  4: to 
   fell with or as if with a blow  5: to cause the limbs of (a person) to be 
   pulled esp. in torture  6: to draw up (one's body) from a cramped, 
   stooping, or relaxed position  7: to pull taut  8a: to enlarge or distend 
   esp. by force  8b: STRAIN  9: to cause to reach or continue {~ a wire 
   between two posts}  10: to extend often unduly the scope or meaning of  1a: 
   to become extended in length or breadth or both : SPREAD  1b: to extend 
   over a continuous period  2: to become extended without breaking  3a: to 
   extend one's body or limbs  3b: to lie down at full length  - 
   stretch.abil.i.ty n
2. stretch n 1a: an exercise of something (as the understanding) beyond 
   ordinary or norm al limits 1b: an extension of the scope or application of 
   something  2: the extent to which something may be stretched  3: the act of 
   stretching or the state of being stretched  4a: an extent in length or area 
    4b: a continuous period of time  5: a walk to relieve fatigue  6: a term 
   of imprisonment  7a: either of the straight sides of a racecourse  7b: a 
   final stage  8: the capacity for being stretched : ELASTICITY 
3. stretch aj : easily stretched : ELASTIC {~ hosiery}