1. lay \'la-\ \'la-d\ vb or laid; or [ME leyen, fr. OE lecgan;
akin to OE licgan to lie - more a]t LIE 1: to beat or strike down with
force 2a: to put or set down 2b: to place for rest or sleep; esp : BURY
3: to bring forth and deposit (an egg) 4: CALM, ALLAY {~ the dust}; 5:
BET, WAGER 6: to press down smooth and even 7a: to dispose or spread over
or on a surface {~ track ~ pla ster} 7b: to set in order or position {~ a
table for dinner ~ bric k} 7c: to put (strands) in place and twist to form
a rope, hawser, or cable; also : to make by so doing {~ up rope} 8a: to
impose as a duty, burden, or punishment {~ a tax} 8b: to put as a burden
of reproach {laid the blame on him} 8c: to advance as an accusation :
IMPUTE 9: to place (something immaterial) on something {~ stress on gramm
ar} 10: PREPARE, CONTRIVE {a well-laid plan} 11a: to put to : APPLY {laid
the watch to his ear} 11b: to prepare or position for action or operation
{~ a fire}; specif : to adjust (a gun) to the proper direction and
elevation 12: to bring to a specified condition {~ waste the land} 13a:
ASSERT, ALLEGE {~ claim to an estate} 13b: to submit for examination and
judgment {laid his case before the commission} 1: to produce and deposit
eggs nonstand 2: LIE 3: WAGER, BET dial 4: PLAN, PREPARE {~ for a
chance} 5a: to apply oneself vigorously {laid to his oars} naut 5b: GO,
COME {~ aloft} 1: to remove (a parliamentary motion) from consideration
indefinitely Brit 2: to put (as legislation) on the agenda - lay on the
2. lay n 1: something (as a layer) that lies or is laid 2: COVERT, LAIR
3a: line of action : PLAN 3b: line of work : OCCUPATION 4a: terms of sale
or employment : PRICE 4b: share of profit (as on a whaling voyage) paid in
lieu of wages 5a: the amount of advance of any point in a rope strand for
one turn 5b: the nature of a fiber rope as determined by the amount of
twist, the an gle of the strands, and the angle of the threads in the
strands 6: the way in which a thing lies or is laid in relation to
something else <(~ of the land} 7: the state of one that lays eggs
3. lay past of LIE
4. lay n [ME, fr. OF lai] 1: a simple narrative poem : BALLAD 2: MELODY,
5. lay aj [ME, fr. OF lai, fr. LL laicus, fr. Gk laikos of the people,]fr.
laos people 1: of or relating to the laity : not ecclesiastical 2: of or
relating to members of a religious house occupied with domestic o r manual
work {~ brother} 3: not of or from a particular profession : UNPROFESSIONAL
{~ public}