Webster's English Dictionary

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1. be.hind \bi-'hi-nd\ av [ME behinde, fr. OE behindan, fr. be- + hindan 
   from beh]ind; akin to OE hinder behind - more at HIND 1a: in the place, 
   situation, or time that is being or has been departed fr om {stay ~} 1b: 
   in, to, or toward the back {look ~}  2a: in a secondary or inferior 
   position  2b: in arrears  2c: SLOW  archaic  3: still to come 
2. behind pp 1a: in the place, situation, or time left by {the staff stayed 
   ~ t he troops} 1b1: in, to, or toward the back of {look ~ you}  1b2: beyond 
   in past time  2: inferior to  3: later than : AFTER  4a1: in a hidden or 
   obscure causal relation to {the conditions ~ t he strike} 4a2: in the 
   background of  4b: in a supporting position at the back of {an argument 
   with experience  ~ it}
3. behind n 1: the back side  2: BUTTOCKS