Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. essential              2. living                
vi.tal \'vi-t-*l\ \-*l-e-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L vitalis of life, fr. vita 
   life; akin to L viv]ere to live - more at QUICK 1a: existing as a 
   manifestation of life  1b: concerned with or necessary to the maintenance 
   of life {~ orga ns} 2: full of life and vigor : ANIMATED  3: characteristic 
   of life or living beings  4a: fundamentally concerned with or affecting 
   life or living beings : as  4a1: INVIGORATING  4a2: destructive to life : 
   MORTAL  4b: of the utmost importance : ESSENTIAL  5: recording data 
   relating to lives  - vi.tal.ly av