Webster's English Dictionary

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1. liv.ing \'liv-in\ aj 1a: having life  1b: ACTIVE, FUNCTIONING  2a: 
   exhibiting the life or motion of nature : NATURAL  2b: LIVE  3a: full of 
   life or vigor {made mathematics a ~ subject}  3b: true to life : VIVID  3c: 
   suited for living {the ~ area}  4: involving living persons  5: VERY - used 
   as an intensive M mean having or showing life. LIVING and ALIVE apply to 
   organic bodies having life as opposed to those from which life has gone; 
   ANIMATE is used chiefly in direct opposition to inanimate to denote things 
   capable of life; ANIMATED is applied to that which comes alive and active 
   or is given motion simulating life; VITAL often suggests the opposite of 
   mechanical in implying the energy and esp. the power to grow and reproduce 
   characteristic of life - liv.ing.ness n SYN syn LIVING, ALIVE, ANIMATE, 
2. living n 1: the condition of being alive  2: conduct or manner of life  
   3a: means of subsistence : LIVELIHOOD  archaic  3b: ESTATE, PROPERTY  Brit