Webster's English Dictionary

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1. live \'liv\ vb [ME liven, fr. OE libban; akin to OHG lebe-n to live, L 
   ca]elebs unmarried 1: to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant  2: 
   to continue alive  3: to maintain oneself : SUBSIST  4: to conduct or pass 
   one's life {lived up to his principles}  5: DWELL, RESIDE  6: to attain 
   eternal life  7: to remain in human memory or record  8: to have a life 
   rich in experience  9: COHABIT  1: to pass through or spend the duration of 
    2: ENACT, PRACTICE  3: to exhibit vigor, gusto, or enthusiasm in 
2. live \'li-v\ aj [short for alive] 1: having life : LIVING  2: abounding 
   with life : VIVID  3: exerting force or containing energy : as  3a: AFIRE, 
   GLOWING {~ cigar}  3b: connected to electric power  3c: charged with 
   explosives and containing shot or a bullet {~ amm unition}; also : 
   UNEXPLODED {~ bomb} 3d: imparting or driven by power  3e: charged with 
   fissionable material  4: of continuing or current interest : UNCLOSED {~ 
   issue> 5: being in a pure native state  6: of bright vivid color  7: being 
   in play {a ~ ball}  8a: not yet printed from or plated {~ type}  8b: not 
   yet typeset {~ copy}  9a: of or involving the actual presence of real 
   people {~ audience } 9b: broadcast directly at the time of production 
   instead of from recorded  or filmed material {a ~ radio program}