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Cross references:
  1. fast                  
1. quick \'kwik\ aj [ME quik, fr. OE cwic; akin to ON kvikr living, L 
   vivus] living, vivere to live, Gk bios, zo-e- life archaic  1: not dead : 
   LIVING, ALIVE  2: RAPID, SPEEDY : as  2a1: fast in understanding, thinking, 
   or learning : mentally agile {a  ~ mind} {~ thinking} 2a2: reacting to 
   stimuli with speed and keen sensitivity  2a3: aroused immediately and 
   intensely {~ temper}  2b1: fast in development or occurrence {a ~ 
   succession of events> 2b2: done or taking place with rapidity {gave them a 
   ~ look}  2c: marked by speed, readiness, or promptness of physical movement 
   {walk ed with ~ steps} 3: easily aroused to impatience or anger  archaic  
   4a: not stagnant : RUNNING, FLOWING  4b: SHIFTING, MOVING {~ mud}  archaic  
   5: FIERY, GLOWING  obs  6a: PUNGENT  6b: CAUSTIC  archaic  7: PREGNANT  8: 
   turning or bending at a sharp angle {a ~ turn in the road} nd without delay 
   or hesitation. QUICK implies native ability rather than acquired power; 
   PROMPT usu. implies training and discipline that fits one for instant 
   response; READY suggests facility or fluency in response; APT implies 
   quickness in responding because of unusual intelligence or particular 
   talent - quick.ly av SYN syn QUICK, PROMPT, READY, APT mean able to respo 
2. quick av : QUICKLY 
3. quick n [prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON kvika sensitive flesh, fr. 
   kvikr] obs  1: a living thing  living 2a: a painfully sensitive spot or 
   area of flesh (as that underlying a finge rnail or toenail) 2b: the inmost 
   sensibilities {hurt to the ~ by the remark}  2c: the very center of 
   something : HEART {the ~ of the matt er} archaic  3: LIFE  4: QUICKIE 
4. quick vb archaic  : QUICKEN