Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ae.ri.al \'ar-e--*l, 'er-, a--'ir-e--*l\ \-*-le-\ aj [L aerius, fr. Gk 
   aerios, fr. ae-r] 1a: of, relating to, or occurring in the air or 
   atmosphere  1b: consisting of air  1c: existing or growing in the air 
   rather than in the ground or in water  1d: LOFTY  1e: operating or operated 
   overhead on elevated cables or rails  2: suggestive of air : as  2a: 
   lacking substance : THIN  2b: IMAGINARY, ETHEREAL  3a: of or relating to 
   aircraft  3b: designed for use in, taken from, or operating from or against 
   aircraft  3c: effected by means of aircraft  - aer.i.al.ly av
2. aer.i.al \'ar-e--*l, 'er-\ n 1: ANTENNA  2: FORWARD PASS