Webster's English Dictionary

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1. imag.i.nary \im-'aj-*-.ner-e-\ aj 1: existing only in imagination : 
   FANCIED  2: containing or relating to the imaginary unit {~ number} 
   QUIXOTIC: IMAGINARY stresses lack of actuality; it applies to what could be 
   existent or present but in fact is not; FANCIFUL suggests the free play of 
   the imagination; VISIONARY stresses impracticality or incapability of 
   realization; FANTASTIC implies incredibility or strangeness beyond belief; 
   CHIMERICAL combines the implication of VISIONARY and FANTASTIC; QUIXOTIC 
   implies a devotion to romantic or chivalrous ideals unrestrained by 
   ordinary prudence and common sense SYN syn FANCIFUL, VISIONARY, FANTASTIC, 
2. imaginary n obs  1: a figment of imagination  2: a complex number (as 2 
   + 3i) whose imaginary part is not zero