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Cross references:
  1. juncture              
1. pass \'pas\ vb [ME passen, fr. OF passer, fr. (assumed) VL passare, fr. 
   L  [AF passer, lit., to proceed, fr. OF]Xpassus step - more at PACE 1: 
   MOVE, PROCEED  2a: to go away : DEPART  2b: DIE - often used with on  3a: 
   to go by or move past  3b: to glide by (as of time)  3c: to move past 
   another vehicle going in the same direction  4a: to go or make one's way 
   through  4b: to go uncensured or unchallenged {let his remark ~}  5: to go 
   from  of a jury  6a1: to sit in inquest  6a2: to sit in adjudication  6b1: 
   to render a legal judgment  6b2: to express a decided opinion  7a: to 
   undergo transfer so as to become vested in another  7b: to go from the 
   control or possession of one person or group to that of  another {throne 
   ~ed to his son} 8a: HAPPEN, OCCUR  8b: to take place as a mutual exchange 
   or transaction {words ~e d} 9a: to secure the approval of a legislature or 
   other body that has power t o sanction or reject a proposal 9b: to go 
   through an inspection, test, or course of study successfully  10a: to serve 
   as a medium of exchange  10b: to be held or regarded  10c: to identify 
   oneself or accept identification as a white person though  having some 
   Negro ancestry 11a: obs : to make a pass in fencing  11b: to execute a pass 
   (as in football)  12a: to decline to bid, double, or redouble in a card 
   game  12b: to withdraw from the current poker pot  1: to go beyond : as  
   1a: SURPASS  1b: to advance or develop beyond  1c: to go past (one moving 
   in the same direction)  1d: to transcend the range or limitations of  2a: 
   to omit a regularly scheduled declaration and payment of (a dividend)  2b: 
   to leave out in an account or narration  3a: to go across, over, or through 
   : CROSS  3b: to live through : UNDERGO  3c: to cause or permit to elapse : 
   SPEND  4a: to secure the approval of  4b: to go through successfully {~ed 
   the exam}  5a: to cause or permit to win approval or legal or official 
   sanction  5b: to let go unnoticed : OVERLOOK  5c: to cause or allow to pass 
   an examination or course of study  6a: PLEDGE  6b: to transfer the right or 
   property in  7a: to put in circulation {~ing bad checks}  7b: to transfer 
   from one person to another  7c: to cause or enable to go : TRANSPORT  7d: 
   to take a turn with (as a rope) around something  7e: to transfer (as a 
   ball) to another player on the same team  7f: THROW  8a: to pronounce 
   judicially {~ed sentence}  8b: UTTER  9a: to cause or permit to go past or 
   through a barrier  9b: to cause to march or go by in order {~ed the troops 
   in r eview} 10: to emit or discharge from the bowels  11: to permit to 
   reach first base by giving a base on balls  : to pass an inspection or 
   examination  : to shift a responsibility to someone else  : to take up a 
   collection of money  - pass.er n
2. pass n 1: an opening, road, channel, or other way by which a barrier may 
   be passed  or access gained to a particular place; esp : a low place in a 
   mountain range 2: a position to be maintained usu. against odds 
3. pass n 1: the act or an instance of passing : PASSAGE  2: ACCOMPLISHMENT 
    3: a state of affairs : CONDITION  4a: a written permission to move about 
   freely in a particular place or to l eave or enter it 4b: a written leave 
   of absence from a military post or station for a brief  period 4c: a permit 
   or ticket allowing one free transportation or free admission  5: a thrust 
   or lunge in fencing  6a: a transference of objects by sleight of hand or 
   other deceptive means  6b: a moving of the hands over or along something  
   archaic  7: an ingenious sally (as of wit)  8: the passing of an 
   examination or course of study; also : the mar k or certification of such 
   passing 9: a single complete mechanical operation  10: a transfer of a ball 
   or a puck from one player to another on the same t eam 11: BASE ON BALLS  
   12a: a refusal to bid, bet, or draw an additional card in a card game  12b: 
   an election not to bid, double, or redouble in bridge  13: a throw of dice 
   that wins the main bet  14: a single passage or movement of an airplane or 
   other man-made object ov er a place or toward a target 15a: EFFORT, TRY  
   15b: a sexually inviting gesture or approach  16: PASE