Webster's English Dictionary

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am.bas.sa.dor \am-'bas-*d-*r, *m-, im-\ \(.)am-.bas-*-'do-r-e--*l, *m-, 
   im-, -'do.r-\ \am-'bas-*d-*r-.ship, *m-, im-\ n [ME ambassadour, fr. MF 
   ambassadeur, or Gmc origin; akin to OHG ]ambaht service 1: an official 
   envoy; esp : a diplomatic agent of the highest rank  accredited to a 
   foreign sovereign or government as the resident representative of his own 
   sovereign or government or appointed for a special and often temporary 
   diplomatic assignment 2a: an authorized representative or messenger  2b: an 
   unofficial representative  - am.bas.sa.do.ri.al aj