Webster's English Dictionary

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1. do \(')du:, d*(-w)\ \(')did, d*d\ \'d*n\ \'du:-in\ \(')d*z\ vb or did;  
   or done or do.ing or does [ME don, fr. OE do-n; akin to OHG tuon to do, L 
   -dereX to put, facere to make, do, Gk tithenai to place, set 1: to bring to 
   pass : carry out  2: PUT - used chiefly in do to death  3a: PERFORM, 
   EXECUTE {~ some work}  3b: COMMIT {crimes done deliberately}  4a: to bring 
   about : EFFECT {sleep will ~ you good}  4b: RENDER, PAY {~ honor to his 
   memory}  5: to bring to an end : FINISH - used in the past participle  6: 
   to put forth : EXERT {did his best to win the race}  7: to bring into 
   existence : PRODUCE {~ a biography on the  general} 8: to play the part of  
   9: to treat unfairly; esp : CHEAT {did him out of hi s inheritance} 10a: to 
   deal with or put in order by cleaning, arranging, or preparing for  use {~ 
   the dinner dishes} 10b: DECORATE  11a: to work at esp. as a vocation {what 
   to ~ after college}  11b: to prepare or work out esp. by studying {~ing his 
   homew ork} 12a: to pass over (as distance) : TRAVERSE  12b: to travel at a 
   speed of {~ing 80 on the turnpike}  13: TOUR {~ing 12 countries in 12 days} 
    14: to serve out (as a term) in prison  15: to serve the needs of : SUIT 
   {worms will ~ us for bait } 16: - used as a substitute verb to avoid 
   repetition {if you must make  such a racket, ~ it somewhere else} 1: ACT, 
   BEHAVE {~ as I say}  2a: to get along : FARE {~ well in school}  2b: to 
   carry on : MANAGE {we can ~ without your help}  2c: to make good use {~ 
   with a cup of coffee}  3: to take place : HAPPEN {what's ~ing across the st 
   reet} 4: to come to or make an end : FINISH - used in the past partici ple 
   5: to be active or busy {up and ~ing before dawn}  6: to answer the purpose 
   : SERVE {half of that will ~}  7: to be fitting : conform to custom or 
   propriety {won't ~ to be  late} 8: - used as a substitute verb to avoid 
   repetition {did you clean the  stove? I did} 9: - used in the imperative 
   after an imperative to add emphasis {be qu iet, ~} 1: - used with the 
   infinitive without to in legal and parliamentar y language {~ hereby 
   bequeath} and in poetry {give what she did crave -Shak.} 2: - used with the 
   infinitive without to for emphasis {I ~  say} and esp. to form an 
   imperative {~ be careful}; regularly so used in negative sentences {don't 
   be silly} archaic  : to put an end to  1: to put an end to : ABOLISH  2: to 
   put to death : KILL  : to deal with : TREAT  : to bring about the death or 
   ruin of  : necessary to be done  - do away 
2. do \'du:\ \'du:z\ n or dos or do's pl  chiefly dial  1: FUSS, ADO  
   archaic  2: DEED, DUTY  chiefly Brit  3a: a festive get-together  3b: 
   BATTLE  4: a command or entreaty to do something  Brit  5: CHEAT, SWINDLE 
3. do \'do-\ n [It] : the first tone of the diatonic scale in solmization