Webster's English Dictionary

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spe.cial \'spesh-*l\ \-(*-)le-\ aj [ME, fr. OF or L; OF especial, fr. L 
   specialis individual, particul]ar, fr. species species 1: distinguished by 
   some unusual quality  2a: PECULIAR, UNIQUE  2b: of, relating to, or 
   constituting a species : SPECIFIC  3: ADDITIONAL, EXTRA  4: designed for a 
   particular purpose or occasion INDIVIDUAL, RESPECTIVE, CONCRETE mean of or 
   belonging to one only. SPECIAL stresses having a quality, character, 
   identity, or use of its own; ESPECIAL may add implications of preeminence 
   or preference; SPECIFIC implies a quality or character distinguishing a 
   kind or a species; PARTICULAR implies a distinguishing mark of an 
   individual; INDIVIDUAL implies unequivocal reference to one of a class or 
   group; RESPECTIVE implies reference to each one of several in the order 
   named; CONCRETE suggests individuality and actuality of existence or 
   experience - special n SYN syn SPECIAL, ESPECIAL, SPECIFIC, PARTICULAR,