1. \.rep-ri-'zent-*t-iv\ aj 1: serving to represent 2:
standing or acting for another esp. through delegated authority 3: of,
based upon, or constituting a government in which the many are repr esented
by persons chosen from among them usu. by election 4: of or relating to
representation or representationalism - av
2. representative n 1: a typical example of a group, class, or quality :
SPECIMEN 2: one that represents another or others : as 2a1: one that
represents a constituency as a member of a legislative body 2a2: a member
of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress or a sta te
legislature 2b: one that represents another as agent, deputy, substitute,
or delegate u su. being invested with the authority of the principal 2c:
one that represents a business organization 2d: one that represents
another as successor or heir