Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ser.vice \'s*r-v*s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L servitium condition of a slave, 
   body of slaves, fr. Xservus slave 1: the occupation or function of serving 
   {in active ~}; specif  : employment as a servant {entered his ~} 2a: the 
   work or action performed by one that serves {gives good and quick  ~} 2b: 
   HELP, USE, BENEFIT {be of ~ to them}  2c: contribution to the welfare of 
   others  2d: disposal for use {at your ~}  3a: a form followed in worship or 
   in a religous ceremony {the burial ~ } 3b: a meeting for worship {held an 
   evening ~}  4: the act of serving : as  4a: a helpful act : good turn {did 
   him a ~}  4b: useful labor that does not produce a tangible commodity - 
   usu. used i n pl. {charge for professional ~s} 4c: SERVE  5: a set of 
   articles for a particular use {a silver ~ for 12}  6: an administrative 
   division (as of a government or business) {the consu lar ~} : one of a 
   nation's military forces {called into the ~} 7: a facility supplying some 
   public demand {bus ~}; specif  : one providing maintenance and repair 
   {television ~} 8: the materials used for serving (as a rope) 
2. service aj 1a: of or relating to the armed services  1b: of, relating 
   to, or constituting a branch of an army that exists to pr ovide service and 
   supplies 2: used in serving or supplying  3: intended for everyday use : 
   DURABLE  4a: providing services or producer goods  4b: offering repair, 
   mahntenance, or inchdental services 
3. service vt : to perform services for : as  : to repair or provide 
   maintenance for  : to meet interest and sinking fund payments on debt (as 
   government debt ) : to perform any of the business functions auxiliary to 
   production or di stribution
4. ser.vice \'sa:r-v*s, 's*r-\ n [ME serves, pl. of serve serviceberry, 
   service tree, fr. OE syrf]e, fr. (assumed) VL sorbea, fr. L sorbus service 
   tree : an Old World tree (Sorbus domestica) resembling the related mounta 
   in ashes but having larger flowers and larger edible fruit; also : a 
   related Old World tree (S. torminalis) with bitter fruits