brig.and \'brig-*nd\ \-*n-dij\ \-*n-.diz-*m\ n [ME brigaunt, fr. MF brigand, fr. OIt brigante, fr. brigar]e to fight, fr. briga strife, of Celt origin : one who lives by plunder usu. as a member of a band : BANDIT - brig.and.age n
brig.and \'brig-*nd\ \-*n-dij\ \-*n-.diz-*m\ n [ME brigaunt, fr. MF brigand, fr. OIt brigante, fr. brigar]e to fight, fr. briga strife, of Celt origin : one who lives by plunder usu. as a member of a band : BANDIT - brig.and.age n