Webster's English Dictionary

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1. band \'band\ \'ban-d*d\ n [in senses 1 & 2, fr. ME band, bond something 
   that constricts, fr.]ON band; akin to OE bindan to bind; in other senses, 
   fr. ME bande strip, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL binda, of Gmc origin; akin to 
   OHG binta fillet; akin to OE bindan 1: something that confines or 
   constricts while allowing a degree of movemen t 2: something that binds or 
   restrains legally, morally, or spiritually : as  2a: a restraining 
   obligation or tie affecting one's relations to others or  to a tradition 
   archaic  2b: a formal promise or guarantee  archaic  2c: a pledge given : 
   SECURITY  3: a strip serving to join or hold things together : as  3a: BELT 
    3b: a cord or strip across the backbone of a book to which the sections 
   are  sewn 4: a thin flat encircling strip esp. for binding : as  4a: a 
   close-fitting strip that confines material at the waist, neck, or cuf f of 
   clothing 4b: a strip of cloth used to protect a newborn baby's navel - 
   called also  bellyband 4c: a ring of elastic  5: an elongated surface or 
   section with parallel or roughly parallel sides;  specif : a more or less 
   well-defined range of wavelengths, frequencies, or energies of optical, 
   electric, or acoustic radiation 6: a narrow strip serving chiefly as 
   decoration : an  6a: a narrow strip of material applied as trimming to an 
   article of dress  pl  6b: a pair of strips hanging at the front of the neck 
   as part of a clerical , legal, or academic dress 6c: a ring without raised 
   portions  7: a strip of grooves on a phonograph record containing a single 
   piece or a  section of a long piece - band.ed aj
2. band vt 1: to affix a band to or tie up with a band  2: to finish with a 
   band  3a: to attach (oneself) to a group  3b: to gather together or summon 
   for a purpose  3c: to unite in a company or confederacy  : to unite for a 
   common purpose  - band.er n
3. band n [MF bande troop] : a group of persons, animals, or things; esp : 
   a group of musicia ns organized for playing together