Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. part                  
mem.ber \'mem-b*r\ \-b*rd\ n [ME membre, fr. OF, fr. L membrum; akin to 
   Goth mimz flesh, G]k me-ros thigh, me-ninx membrane 1: a body part of organ 
   : as  1a: LIMB  1b: PENIS  1c: a unit of structure in a plant body  2: one 
   of the individuals composing a group  3: a person baptized or enrolled in a 
   church  4: a constituent part of a whole : as  4a: a syntactic or rhythmic 
   unit of a sentence : CLAUSE  4b: one of the propositions of a syllogism  
   4c: one of the elements of a mathematical set  4d: one of the components of 
   a logical class  4e: either of the equated elements in a mathematical 
   equation  - mem.bered aj