Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. period                
1. age \'a-j\ n [ME, fr. OF aage, fr. (assumed) VL aetaticum, fr. L aetat-, 
   (Xaetas, fr. aevum lifetime - more at AYE 1a: the part of an existence 
   extending from the beginning to any given time  1b: LIFETIME  1c: the time 
   of life at which some particular qualification, power, or capacity arises 
   or rests; specif : MAJORITY 1d: one of the stages of life  2a: the period 
   contemporary with a person's lifetime or with his active life 2b: 
   GENERATION  2c: a long time  3a: a period of time in history or in the 
   development of man or in the history of the earth 3b: a period of time in 
   prehistory characterized by the use of artifacts made from a distinctive 
   material 4: an individual's development measured in terms of the years 
   requisite for  like development of an average individual
2. age vb or aged;  or ag.ing;  or age.ing 1: to become old : show the 
   effects or the characteristics of increasing  age 2a: to acquire a 
   desirable quality by standing undisturbed for some time  2b: to become 
   mellow or mature : RIPEN  1: to cause to become old  2: to bring to a state 
   fit for use or to maturity