Webster's English Dictionary

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can.cer \'kan(t)-s*r\ \'kan(t)s-(*-)r*s\ n [ME, fr. L (gen. Cancri), lit., 
   crab; akin to Gk karkinos crab, can] [L, crab, cancer]cer cap  1a: a 
   northern zodiacal constellation between Gemini and Leo  1b: the 4th sign of 
   the zodiac  2a: a malignant tumor characterized by potentially unlimited 
   growth with lo cal expansion by invasion and systemic by metastasis 2b: an 
   abnormal state marked by such tumors  3: a source of evil  4a: an enlarged 
   tumorlike growth  4b: a disease marked by such growths  - can.cer.ous aj