Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sign \'si-n\ n [ME signe, fr. OF, fr. L signum mark, token, sign, image, 
   seal; pro]b. akin to L secare to cut - more at SAW 1a: a motion or gesture 
   by which a thought is expressed or a command or wis h made known 1b: SIGNAL 
    1c: a fundamental linguistic unit that designates an object or relation or 
    has a purely syntactic function 1d: one of a set of gestures used to 
   represent language  2: a mark having a conventional meaning and used in 
   place of words or to re present a complex notion 3: one of the 12 divisions 
   of the zodiac  4a: a character (as a flat or sharp) used in musical 
   notation; specif  : SEGNO 4b: a character (as /, <radical>, or ) indicating 
   a mathematical o peration; also : one of two characters + and - that form 
   part of the symbol of a number and characterize it as positive or negative 
   5a: a lettered board or other display used to identify or advertise a place 
    of business 5b: a posted command, warning, or direction  5c: SIGNBOARD  
   6a: something material or external that stands for or signifies something s 
   piritual 6b: something that serves to indicate the presence or existence of 
   somethin g : TOKEN 6c: PRESAGE, PORTENT  6d: an objective evidence of plant 
   or animal disease  7: a remarkable event supposed to indicate the will of a 
   deity : PRODI GYa sensible indication of what is not itself directly 
   perceptible. SIGN applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses 
   or the reason; MARK suggests something impressed on or inherently 
   characteristic of a thing often in contrast to general outward appearance; 
   TOKEN applies to something that serves as a proof of something intangible; 
   NOTE suggests a distinguishing mark or characteristic; SYMPTOM suggests an 
   outward indication of an inward change or condition as in the human body, a 
   social group, or a mechanism SYN syn SIGN, MARK, TOKEN, NOTE, SYMPTOM mean 
2. sign vb [ME signen, fr. MF signer, fr. L signare to mark, sign, seal,] 
   fr. signum 1a: to place a sign upon  1b: CROSS  1c: to represent or 
   indicate by a sign  2a: to affix a signature to : SUBSCRIBE  2b: to write 
   down (one's name)  3: to communicate by making a sign  4: to engage or hire 
   by securing the signature of on a contract of employm ent 1: to write one's 
   name in token of assent, responsibility, or obligation  2: to make a sign 
   or signal  - sign.er n