Webster's English Dictionary

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1. such \(')s*ch, (.)sich\ aj [ME, fr. OE swilc; akin to OHG suli-h such; 
   both, fr. a prehisto]ric Gmc compound whose constituents are respectively 
   represented by OE swa- so and by OE geli-c like - more at SO, LIKE 1a: of a 
   kind or character to be indicated or suggested {bag ~ as  a doctor carries} 
   1b: having a quality to a degree to be indicated {his excitement was @ that 
   he shouted} 2a: having a quality already or just specified {deeply moved by 
   ~  acts of kindness} 2b: of the character, quality, or extent previously 
   indicated or implied  3: of so extreme a degree or quality {never heard ~ a 
   hubbub}  4: MEDIOCRE  5: of the same class, type, or sort : SIMILAR 
   {established twent y ~ clinics throughout the state} 6: not specified 
2. such pn 1: such a person or thing or such persons or things  2: someone 
   or something stated, implied, or exemplified {~ was the  result} 3: one of 
   the same kind {tin and glass and ~}  : intrinsically considered : in itself 
   {as such the gift was wo rth little} - as such 
3. such av 1a: to such a degree : SO {~ tall buildings ~ a fine  person} 
   1b: ESPECIALLY, VERY {hasn't been in ~ good spirits la tely} 2: in such a 