Webster's English Dictionary

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1. can.dy \'kan-de-\ n [ME sugre candy, part trans. of MF sucre candi, part 
   trans. of OIt]zucchero candi, fr. zucchero sugar + Ar qandi- candied, fr. 
   qand cane sugar 1: crystallized sugar formed by boiling down sugar syrup  
   2a: a confection made of sugar often with flavoring and filling  2b: a 
   piece of such confection 
2. candy vt 1: to encrust in or coat with sugar often by cooking to a 
   thicker consiste ncy in a heavy syrup 2: to make seem attractive : SWEETEN  
   3: to crystallize into sugar  : to become coated or encrusted with sugar 
   crystals : become crystalliz ed into sugar