Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. part                  
1. piece \'pe-s\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. (assumed) VL pettia, of Gaulish origin; 
   akin to Bret ]peg piece 1: a part of a whole : FRAGMENT  2: an object or 
   individual regarded as a unit of a kind or class : EXA MPLE 3: a length, 
   weight, or size in which something is made or sold  4a: a literary 
   composition  4b: PAINTING, SCULPTURE  4c: a theatrical production : PLAY  
   4d: a musical composition  5: FIREARM  6: COIN; also : TOKEN  7: a man used 
   in playing a board game; specif : a chessman of super ior rank : ALIKE, 
   CONSISTENT  - of a piece 
2. piece vt 1: to repair, renew, or complete by adding pieces : PATCH  2: 
   to join into a whole  - piec.er n