Webster's English Dictionary

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cir.cus \'s*r-k*s\ n [L, circle, circus - more at CIRCLE] often attrib  1a: 
   a large arena enclosed by tiers of seats on three or all four sides and  
   used for athletic contests, exhibitions of horsemanship or in ancient times 
   chariot racing and other spectacles 1b: a public spectacle  2a: an arena 
   often covered by a tent and used for variety shows usu. includ ing feats of 
   physical skill and daring, wild animal acts, and performances by jugglers 
   and clowns 2b: a circus performance  2c: the physical plant, livestock, and 
   personnel of such a circus  obs  3a: CIRCLE, RING  Brit  3b: a usu. 
   circular area at an intersection of streets  4: FLYING CIRCUS