Webster's English Dictionary

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1. large \'la:rj\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L largus] obs  1: liberal in giving : 
   LAVISH  obs  2a: AMPLE, ABUNDANT  2b: EXTENSIVE, BROAD  3: having more than 
   usual power, capacity, or scope : COMPREHENSIVEM 4a: exceeding most other 
   things of like kind in quantity or size : BI G 4b: dealing in great numbers 
   or quantities  obs  of language or expression  5a: COARSE, VULGAR  5b: lax 
   in conduct : LOOSE  of a wind  6: FAVORABLE  7: EXTRAVAGANT, BOASTFUL {~ 
   talk}  LARGE is likely to be preferred when the dimensions, extent, 
   capacity, or quantity is being considered {large hall} {large allowance} 
   BIG suggests emphasis on bulk, weight, or volume {big book} {big box} GREAT 
   may sometimes imply physical magnitude usu. with connotation of wonder, 
   surprise, or awe, but more often implies magnitude in degree {great 
   kindness} {great haste}. Figuratively LARGE suggests breadth, 
   comprehensiveness, generosity; BIG implies impressiveness rather than 
   solidity; GREAT implies eminence, distinction, or supremacy - large.ly av 
   SYN syn LARGE, BIG, GREAT mean above average in magnitude. 
2. large av obs  1: AMPLY, LIBERALLY  2: with the wind abaft the beam 
3. large n obs  : LIBERALITY, GENEROSITY  1: without restraint or 
   confinement  2: at length  3: in a general way : at random  4: as a whole 
   {society at large}  5: as the political representative of or to a whole 
   area rather than of one  of its subdivisions {congressman-at-large} - at 