Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cir.cle \'s*r-k*l\ n [ME cercle, fr. OF, fr. L circulus, dim. of circus 
   circle, ci] often attrib rcus, fr. or akin to Gk krikos, kirkos ring 1a: 
   RING, HALO  1b: a closed plane curve every point of which is equidistant 
   from a fixed p oint within the curve 1c: the plane surface bounded by such 
   a curve  2: the orbit or period of revolution of a heavenly body  3: 
   something in the form of a circle or section of a circle : as  3a: CIRCLET, 
   DIADEM  3b: an instrument of astronomical observation the graduated limb of 
   which c onsists of an entire circle 3c: a balcony or tier of seats in a 
   theater  3d: the perimeter at the surface of a plane passing through a 
   sphere {@ of latitude} 3e: ROTARY  4: an area of action or influence : 
   REALM  5a: CYCLE, ROUND  5b: fallacious reasoning in which something to be 
   demonstrated is covertly  assumed 6: a group bound by a common tie; specif 
   : COTERIE  7: a territorial or administrative division or district 
2. circle \-k(*-)lin\ \-k(*-)l*r\ vb or cir.cling 1: to enclose in or as if 
   in a circle  2: to move or revolve around  1a: to move in or as if in a 
   circle  1b: CIRCULATE  2: to describe or extend in a circle  - cir.cler n