Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cycle                 
1. ring \'rin\ \'rin-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE hring; akin to OHG hring ring, L 
   curvus curved ]- more at CROWN 1: a circular band for holding, connecting, 
   hanging, or pulling {curtain  ~} {key ~} {towel ~} or for packing or 
   sealing 2: a circlet usu. of precious metal worn on the finger  3a: a 
   circular line, figure, or object  3b: an encircling arrangement  3c: a 
   circular or spiral course  4a1: an often circular space esp. for 
   exhibitions or competitions; espX : such a space at a circus 4a2: a 
   structure containing such a ring  4b1: a square enclosure in which boxers 
   or wrestlers contest  4b2: PRIZEFIGHTING  5: one of three concentric bands 
   usu. believed to be composed of meteoric f ragments revolving around the 
   planet Saturn 6: ANNUAL RING  7: an exclusive combination of persons for a 
   selfish and often corrupt purp ose (as to control the market) 8: the field 
   of a political contest : RACE  9: food in the shape of a circle  10: an 
   arrangement of atoms represented in formulas or models as a ring  11: a set 
   of elements subject to two operations which is a commutative grou p under 
   the first operation and in which the second operation is associative and 
   distributive relative to the first - ring.like aj
2. ring vt 1: to place or form a ring around : ENCIRCLE  2: to provide with 
   a ring  3: GIRDLE  4: to throw a ring over (the mark) in a game where 
   curved objects (as hors eshoes) are tossed at a mark 1a: to move in a ring  
   1b: to rise in the air spirally  2: to form or take the shape of a ring 
3. ring or ring changes \'ran\ \'r*n\ \'rin-in\ vb or rang;  or rung or 
   ring.ing [ME ringen, fr. OE hringan; akin to MD ringen to ring, Lith 
   (Xkrankti to croak 1: to sound resonantly {the doorbell rang} or sonorously 
   {chee rs rang out} 2a: to be filled with a reverberating sound : RESOUND  
   2b: to have the sensation of being filled with a humming sound {his ears  
   rang} 3: to cause something to ring  4a: to be filled with talk or report  
   4b: to have great renown  5: to have a sound or character expressive of 
   some quality {a story that  ~s true} 1: to cause to sound esp. by striking  
   2: to make (a sound) by or as if by ringing a bell  3: to announce by or as 
   if by ringing {~ an alarm}  4: to repeat often, loudly, or earnestly  5: to 
   summon esp. by bell  : to arouse a response  : to run through the range of 
   possible variations  - ring a bell 
4. ring n 1: a set of bells  2: a clear resonant sound made by or 
   resembling that made by vibrating meta l 3: resonant tone : SONORITY  4: a 
   loud sound continued, repeated, or reverberated  5: a sound or character 
   expressive of some particular quality  6a: the act or an instance of 
   ringing  6b: a telephone call