Webster's English Dictionary

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cor.al or cor.al.loi.dal \'ko.r-*l, 'ka:r-\ \-*-.lo.id\ \.ko.r-*-'lo.id-*l, 
   .ka:r-\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L corallium, fr. Gk korallion] 1a: the 
   calcareous or horny skeletal deposit produced by anthozoan or rarel y 
   hydrozoan polyps; esp : a richly red precious coral secreted by a gorgonian 
   (Corallium nobile) 1b: a polyp or polyp colony together with its membranes 
   and skeleton  2: a piece of coral and esp. of red coral  3a: a bright 
   reddish ovary (as of a lobster or scallop)  3b: a variable color averaging 
   a deep pink  - coral aj