Webster's English Dictionary

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1. de.pos.it \di-'pa:z-*t\ \-'pa:z-*t-*d, -'pa:z-t*d\ \-'pa:z-*t-in, 
   -'pa:z-tin\ \-'pa:z-*t-*r, -'pa:z-t*r\ vb or de.pos.it.ed;  or 
   de.pos.it.ing [L depositus, pp. of deponere] 1: to place esp. for 
   safekeeping or as a pledge; specif : to put i n a bank 2a: to lay down : 
   PLACE  2b: to let fall (as sediment)  : to become deposited : SETTLE  - 
   de.pos.i.tor n
2. deposit n 1: the state of being deposited  2: something placed for 
   safekeeping : as  2a: money deposited in a bank  2b: money given as a 
   pledge  3: a place of deposit : DEPOSITORY  4: an act of depositing  5a: 
   something laid down; esp : matter deposited by a natural proces s 5b: a 
   natural accumulation