Webster's English Dictionary

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to.geth.er \t*-'geth-*r\ av [ME togedere, fr. OE togdere, fr. to- to + 
   gQa-e>dere together; akin to MHG gater together, OE gaderian to gather 1a: 
   in or into one place, mass, collection, or group  1b: in a body : as a 
   group  2a: in or into contact (as connection, collision, or union) {mix ~ } 
   {rush ~} 2b: in or into association or relationship  3a: at one time : 
   COINCIDENTALLY  3b: in succession : without intermission  4a: by combined 
   action : JOINTLY  4b: in or into agreement or harmony  5a: MUTUALLY, 
   RECIPROCALLY - used pleonastically and as an i ntensive after certain verbs 
   {join ~} {add ~} 5b: as a unit : in the aggregate  - to.geth.er.ness n