Webster's English Dictionary

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1. red \'red\ aj or red.der;  or red.dest [ME, fr. OE re-ad; akin to OHG 
   ro-t red, L ruber & r]ufus, Gk erythros 1a: of the color red  1b: having 
   red as a distinguishing color  2a1: FLUSHED  2a2: RUDDY, FLORID  2a3: of a 
   coppery hue  2b: BLOODSHOT  2c: in the color range between a moderate 
   orange and russet or bay  2d: tinged with red : REDDISH  3: heated to 
   redness : GLOWING  4a: inciting or endorsing radical social or political 
   change esp. by force  4b: COMMUNIST  4c: of or relating to the U.S.S.R. or 
   its allies  - red.ly av
2. red n [fr. the bookkeeping practice of entering debit items in red ink] 
   1: a color whose hue resembles that of blood or of the ruby or is that of t 
   he long-wave extreme of the visible spectrum 2: one that is of a red or 
   reddish color; esp : an animal with a re ddish coat 3a: a pigment or dye 
   that colors red  3b: a shade or tint of red  4a: one who advocates or is 
   thought to advocate or endorse the violent over throw of an existing social 
   or political order cap  4b: COMMUNIST  5: the condition of showing a loss 
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