Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. broad                 
1. deep \'de-p\ aj [ME, fr. OE de-op; akin to OHG tiof deep, OE dyppan to 
   dip] - more at DIP 1: extending far from some surface or area : as  1a: 
   extending far downward {~ well}  1b1: extending well inward from an outer 
   surface {~ gash}  1b2: not located superficially within the body {~ 
   pressure recepto rs in muscles} 1c: extending well back from a front 
   surface {a ~ closet}  1d: extending far laterally from the center {~ 
   border}  1e: occurring or located near the outer limits of the playing area 
   {hit  to ~ right field} 2: having a specified extension downward or 
   backward {shelf 20 inches R@} 3a: difficult to penetrate or comprehend : 
   RECONDITE {~ pr oblem} 3b: MYSTERIOUS, OBSCURE {~ dark secret}  3c: grave 
   in nature of effect : GRIEVOUS {~est disgr ace} 3d: WISE {~ thinker}  3e: 
   ENGROSSED, INVOLVED  3f: very great : INTENSE {~ sleep}  of color  4a: high 
   in saturation and low in lightness  4b: having a low musical pitch or pitch 
   range  5a: situated well within the boundaries  5b: remote in time or space 
    5c: being below the level of the conscious  5d: covered, enclosed, or 
   filled to a specified degree n downward or inward; applied to physical 
   space they follow a climactic order, DEEP being the general and least 
   emphatic term, PROFOUND adding the implication of great depth or extent, 
   and ABYSMAL of immeasurable depth. DEEP implies the opposite of what is 
   shallow, superficial, simple, or even straightforward; PROFOUND implies 
   reaching to the roots and attaining to what is massive, enduring, 
   unshakable; ABYSMAL applies to what is measureless in extent or degree 
   often with a suggestion of being hopelessly beyond correction or redemption 
   - deep.ly av SYN syn DEEP, PROFOUND, ABYSMAL mean having great extensio 
2. deep av 1: to a great depth : DEEPLY  2: far on : LATE 
3. deep n 1: any of the fathom points on a sounding line that is not a mark 
    2a: a vast or immeasurable extent : ABYSS  2b1: the extent of surrounding 
   space or time  2b2: OCEAN  3: the most intense or characteristic part {~ of 
   winter}  4: one of the deep portions of any body of water; specif : a 
   genera lly long and narrow area in the ocean where the depth exceeds 3000 