Webster's English Dictionary

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ec.cle.si.as.ti.cal or ec.cle.si.as.tic \-'as-ti-k*l\ \-tik\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ 
   aj [ecclesiastical fr. ME, fr. LL ecclesiasticus; ecclesiastic f]r. MF 
   ecclesiastique, fr. LL ecclesiasticus, fr. LGk ekkle-siastikos, fr. Gk, of 
   an assembly of citizens, fr. ekklesiaste-s member of an assembly fr. 
   ekkle-sia 1: of or relating to a church esp. as a formal and established 
   institution  {~ law} 2: suitable for use in a church {~ vestments}  - 
   ec.cle.si.as.ti.cal.ly av