Webster's English Dictionary

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1. church \'ch*rch\ n [ME chirche, fr. OE cirice; akin to OHG kirihha 
   church; both]fr. a prehistoric WGmc word derived fr. LGk kyriakon, fr. Gk, 
   neut. of kyriakos of the lord, fr. kyrios lord, master, fr. kyros power; 
   akin to L cavus hollow - more at CAVE 1: a building for public esp. 
   Christian worship  2: the clergy or officialdom of a religious body  3: a 
   body or organization of religious believers as :  3a: the whole body of 
   Christians  3b: DENOMINATION  3c: CONGREGATION  4: public divine worship 
2. church vt : to bring to church to receive one of its rites 
3. church aj 1: of or relating to a church {~ government}  chiefly Brit  2: 
   of or relating to the established church